46 ASWAGANDHAI CHURNA Bh.Rt. Eractile dysfunction, Spermatorrhoea, Night fall,potent and Brain booster
47 AVIPATTIKAR CHURNA Bh.Rt. Acidity, Gastritis,Bile disorders, constipation
48 DHATUPAUSTIK CHURNA Arogya Prakash Asynodia, Spermatorrhoea, Night fall, Potent male energy enhancer
49 HINGWASTAK CHURNA Bh.Rt. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Colic,Flatulance, 
50 LAWANBHASKAR CHURNA Bh.Rt. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Colic,
51 MAHASUDARSHAN CHURNA si. Yo. San. All types of fever, Maleria , 
52 PANCHASAKAR CHURNA Si.Yo.San. Laxative and Appetizer, Stomach cure
53 SHATABARYADI CHURNA Yog. Rat. Asynodia, Spermatorrhoea, Night fall, Potent male energy enhancer
54 SITOPLADI CHURNA Bh.Rt. All types of cough, Bronchitis,Phithis and other resparatory related problems
55 TRIFLA CHURNA Sha. San. Mild laxative,Appetizer,Anaemia,Stomach cure and Eye sight enhancer

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