40 KAISHORE GUGGULU Sha. San. VAT-RAKT,Leprosy, Wound, Anaemia,Boils, Related problems of Blood impurities
41 KANCHNAR GUGGULU Yog. Rat. Throat tumer,Scrofula, ARBUD, RASAULI,Boils ,wound in throat and nose,
42 MAHAYOGRAJ GUGGULU Sha. San. Rheumatism, Arthritis, Gout, Debelity, Ayurvedic TRIDOS NASHAK(VAT-PITTA-KAF)
43 RASNA GUGGULU Yog. Rat. Gout,Arthritis,Sciatica,Carbuncle
44 TRIFLA GUGGULU Sha. San. Rhumatic pain,Fistula, swelling piles,chronic constipation.
45 YOGRAJ GUGGULU Bh.Rt. Rheumatism, Arthritis, Gout, Debelity,Polyurea, Ayurvedic antibacterial medicine

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